jail/Prison Abuse

Your Denver Civil Rights Attorney

Prisoner Abuse

man in jail, arrested, prisoner abuseWhen an individual is incarcerated and sent to a jail or correctional facility, that person loses a certain degree of rights. They lose their liberty. One right that inmates do not lose, however, is the right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment pursuant to the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments. Detention officers are not legally permitted to maliciously harm inmates. In fact, detention staff are required to protect them from physical harm when put on notice that violence is or may ensue (whether from officers or other inmates). Likewise, detention staff are also legally required to take action to protect inmates when put on notice about serious medical needs that cause needless pain or that require medical attention. Detention staff cannot intentionally or recklessly exhibit indifference to such suffering. If they do, they may be found personally liable to the inmate whom they cause harm. 

If you or a loved one has been physically injured by the excessive force of a detention officer, indifference to pleas for protection from impending violence, or you were ignored when complaining about serious medical needs that resulted in unnecessary pain or harm, you may have a claim for a civil rights violation. It is important to contact a Denver, CO civil rights attorney. At the Civil Rights Litigation Group, we take such abuse seriously and we fight to pursue claims against abusive detention staff to the fullest degree, taking all appropriate measures to hold the responsible party(s) accountable for their action or inaction.

Denver civil rights lawyer for Eighth Amendment violations

The Eighth Amendment protects from many types of cruel and unusual punishment, including:

  • Physical abuse or the use of excessive force by detention officers
  • Sexual abuse by detention officers
  • Indifference to known safety issues, dangers, and or/violence
  • Deliberate indifference to the medical needs of detainees.

How the Civil Rights Litigation Group can help

It takes an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer to fight these kinds of cases. Attorneys at the Civil Rights Litigation Group are not only knowledgeable but adamant about protecting the rights of prisoners. Not only do we believe that every prisoner deserves access to certain standards of living and protection from physical harm, but we also believe prisoner abuse twists justice from its intended purpose and inhibits an inmate’s journey to rehabilitation and recovery. Once charged or convicted of a crime, incarceration is designed to restrict your liberty, not cause physical pain and suffering.  

Prisoner abuse cases may seem straightforward, but they are rarely simple and you’ll need a team of aggressive, confident, and highly professional civil rights attorneys to hold prisoner guards, wardens, and other detention staff accountable for their actions. With the Civil Rights Litigation Group at your side, you can fight back against such injustice.

Contact our Denver law office today for a free consultation

If you or someone you know is being abused or was the victim of prisoner abuse, it is essential to contact the Civil Rights Litigation Group as soon as possible. These cases can be extremely complicated, and extensive investigation into the abuse may be necessary. Nonetheless, once we take on your case, we’ll devote substantial resources to collecting evidence and building a strong case.

Although we can make no guarantees regarding the outcome of the case, we can assure continual communication with you so that you’re involved/aware during every step. We can also assure a no-stones-unturned legal approach.

For a free consultation with our Denver CO law firm, call us today at (720) 515-6165.

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Civil Rights Litigation Group

1543 Champa St., Suite #400

Denver, CO 80202