Employment Discrimination

Your Denver Civil Rights Attorney

Employment Discrimination

woman and man working togetherFederal and state law requires employers to take responsibility for an equal opportunity workplace. This means taking precautions when hiring/firing, implementing appropriate anti-discrimination policies, and remedying inappropriate misconduct.

We frequently and actively pursue cases involving:

Often the effects of pervasive discrimination are felt not just by one person within an organization, but many. If you believe you have been the target of adverse employment action because of one of these characteristics, you should stand up against it to protect yourself and other people who may be similarly situated.

Know your employee rights

Employees have many substantive rights that have been enshrined in state and/or federal law, including the right to:

  • A safe, healthy and discrimination-free work environment
  • Time off for personal or family medical needs
  • Minimum work and overtime wages
  • Reasonable disability accommodations
  • Freedom to engage in concerted activity in protection of other employees
  • Freedom from retaliation for complaining about violations of law, public policy, or discrimination

Often times, employees need guidance while remaining employed to navigate the intricate procedures involved in asserting your employee rights, seeking a remedy when your rights have been violated, or just negotiating an appropriate benefits package when you and your employer part ways.

Employment discrimination attorney in Denver

Whether you have experienced a traumatic incident for the first time or you have been the victim of repeated incidents on a day-to-day basis, you want a lawyer who will stand up and fight for your rights in the workplace. The lawyers at the Civil Rights Litigation Group will review your work situation, offer help and guidance about what steps to take to preserve your case, and when the time is right, fight to make things right.

Give us a call today at (720) 515-6165.

The Civil Rights Litigation Group is proud to have been chosen by Expertise.com as one of the top 33 best Employment Lawyers in Denver.

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Fax: 720-465-1975

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Civil Rights Litigation Group

1543 Champa St., Suite #400

Denver, CO 80202